Our Partners

The Centre for Digital Modelling and Analysis for Cultural Heritage could never have been possible without our project partners.

Three standing stones at Llanfechell, scanned by D-MACH team members with our local partners.

Our founding partners

We are delighted to acknowledge the support of our three partners. With their support we were able to make our vision a reality.

The logo of Historic England, one of our founding partners through the North West regional office.
The logo of Manchester Museum, one of our founding partners who supported our bid.
The logo of the RCAHMW, one of our founding partners who supported our bid.

Our funders

The logo of the AHRC RICHeS scheme, our partner and funder.

We are proud to be funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through their innovative RICHeS programme. The UK’s first Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science.

Interested in working with us, or becoming a project partner?